Minoli Doshi (Doctor), India.

I had begun with ultimate doubt and fear of hypnosis because of how it is portrayed in movies. I was worried about the hypnotist that could take away my power to think and control me. But trust me, it is MYTH ! Siam is going to make this journey the most beautiful one and you are going to come out of it in your own control smiling and being free of all the fights within yourself. So if you ever wished to change this bad habit that no matter how hard you‘ve tried, it didn’t, you are at the perfect place. Siam is the best and one of the most patient person. It is amazing to go to those deep aspects of yourself that you never dare to face and to feel like a warrior winning those wars! I am very grateful to Siam. And to all those who are reading this and ready to shine, you got this!!


Jacqueline Michelle (Coach), USA.


Karl Friedmann (Designer), Germany.